8. Technical ExchangeAfterthe arrival of the equipment in the plant, Party B shall dis-patchpersonnel to install such equipment,while Party Ashall ar-range personnel to assist the installation.When the trial produc-tion begins, Party B shallprovide technical personnel to carry outthe traininguntil the workers have mastered the technology andtheproduction operates normally. Party B shall be responsibleforthe technical personnel's salary and all related expenses, and
Pary A shall provide daily necessities.
9. Contract Term
After this contract is signed and approved,Party B shall presentto Party A its CommercialRegistration and Bank Credit Certifi-cate for Party Ato arrange business licence and Customs Regis-tration. The term of this contract shall be three years, e.g. fromFeb. 21, 1988 to Feb. 21 , 1991. If eitherparty wishes to terminatein advance or extend thecontract, the responsible party shall in-form the other party three months inadvance so that both partiescan discuss and settlesuch a termination or extension. If eitherpartyterminates the contract before the term expires,the respon-sible party shall compensate the other party for thelosses. Insuch case, the responsible party shall paythe other party as com-pensation the amount of twotimes the monthly processing fee.The fee will bebased on the average monthly fee of the previoushalfyear.
After the contract term expires, the realestate such as the facto-ry building and dormitorybuilding shall return to Party A andthe machinery andequipment delivered by Party B shall be re-turned to Party B. Customs clearanceprocedures shall be ar-ranged according to relevantregulations.
Both parties agree that, within ten daysafter the contract issigned and approved, Party Bshall pay Party A the amount ofHK $ 4, 000. 00 as itsguarantee to carry out the contract. If,within twomonths after Party A's receipt of such amount, PartyBstill cannot arrange to start production, the amount shall beforfeitedto Party A unconditionally and Party A shall have therightto cancel the contract. If Party B can start production ontime,the amount will be deducted from the processing fee.Thiscontract is made out in five copies for both parties, the Cus-toms,Vehicle Authority and the business department. Theyshallhave the same force.If there are other issues notcovered in the contract, both partiescan discuss tosupplement or amend the contract and submit theresultsto relevant departments for approval.Party A: PartyB:
8. Technical ExchangeAfterthe arrival of the equipment in the plant, Party B shall dis-patchpersonnel to install such equipment,while Party Ashall ar-range personnel to assist the installation.When the trial produc-tion begins, Party B shallprovide technical personnel to carry outthe traininguntil the workers have mastered the technology andtheproduction operates normally. Party B shall be responsibleforthe technical personnel's salary and all related expenses, and
Pary A shall provide daily necessities.
9. Contract Term
After this contract is signed and approved,Party B shall presentto Party A its CommercialRegistration and Bank Credit Certifi-cate for Party Ato arrange business licence and Customs Regis-tration. The term of this contract shall be three years, e.g. fromFeb. 21, 1988 to Feb. 21 , 1991. If eitherparty wishes to terminatein advance or extend thecontract, the responsible party shall in-form the other party three months inadvance so that both partiescan discuss and settlesuch a termination or extension. If eitherpartyterminates the contract before the term expires,the respon-sible party shall compensate the other party for thelosses. Insuch case, the responsible party shall paythe other party as com-pensation the amount of twotimes the monthly processing fee.The fee will bebased on the average monthly fee of the previoushalfyear.
After the contract term expires, the realestate such as the facto-ry building and dormitorybuilding shall return to Party A andthe machinery andequipment delivered by Party B shall be re-turned to Party B. Customs clearanceprocedures shall be ar-ranged according to relevantregulations.
Both parties agree that, within ten daysafter the contract issigned and approved, Party Bshall pay Party A the amount ofHK $ 4, 000. 00 as itsguarantee to carry out the contract. If,within twomonths after Party A's receipt of such amount, PartyBstill cannot arrange to start production, the amount shall beforfeitedto Party A unconditionally and Party A shall have therightto cancel the contract. If Party B can start production ontime,the amount will be deducted from the processing fee.Thiscontract is made out in five copies for both parties, the Cus-toms,Vehicle Authority and the business department. Theyshallhave the same force.If there are other issues notcovered in the contract, both partiescan discuss tosupplement or amend the contract and submit theresultsto relevant departments for approval.Party A: PartyB: